
Thank you so much for my first painting lesson. I feel quite emotional, mostly because I regret that I didn’t do this decades ago! Well, there’s no time like the present…
Susan Calvin

Recommended Materials

Bring boards or canvases of around 5"x7" or 7"x7". The aim of this class is to paint small and paint often.

Oils: (For beginners, I recommend Winton Oils -good student quality paint and the colours are consistent).

Essential 5 Colours for beginner painters: (Definitely get these as a priority)
  • Winton Cobalt Blue
  • Winton Permanent Rose
  • Winton Cadmium Yellow Light
  • Winton Titanium White (or Titanium buff)
  • Winton Ivory Black (or Indigo or Paynes Grey)
Plus the following for an extended palette (Get these once you've become familiar with the above palette).
  • Sap green (or Viridian)
  • Cadmium Yellow Deep
  • Burnt Umber
  • Ultramarine Blue
  • Cadmium Red
Do bring the following:
  • A palette.
  • Bring a little burnt umber watercolour to do your drawing on the canvas.
  • Solvent: Zest-it, if you have it).
  • Brushes -Synthetic short flat brights: 12 and 6. Also, a Round No. 1. I recommend the Create brand (you can buy a packet of 5 brushes for under €5 in Evans or Eason)
  • Rags
  • If you like Liquin, bring that too.
  • Wear old clothes: painting can be a messy business!